So pirate. A pirate is a thief at sea. Essentially a highwayman of the oceans, there have been pirates as long as there have been floating objects to plunder. The word has jumped from one language to another, changing subtly but generally carrying that basic meaning.
It looks as if the original word was Greek coming from either peiran, meaning to attempt, or peirates, meaning to attack. Peirates seems to have come out on top and migrated into Roman Latin as piraicos, a sea robber or his ship or both. As Latin continued to evolve into the Dark Ages the word kept the same meaning but began to be pronounced piratia.
The word continued to evolve, becoming pirata in Italian and other Mediterranean lingua franca both in Europe and Africa. Sometimes pirata meant simply a sea captain but eventually the definition of a robber of ships on the high seas stuck.
Pirate entered Middle English during the Medieval period while corsaire, meaning a pirate but morphing in and of itself to mean a privateer, joined the French cannon sometime in the early Renaissance. Once Elizabeth I christened her privateers "sea-dogs" the cat was out of the bag. Now we have buccaneers, freebooters, Barbary corsairs, filibusters and even swashbucklers. The last, interestingly enough, actually meant "highwaymen" until the birth of the English novel in the 18th century. Now Errol Flynn as Captain Blood is thought of as swashbuckling.
Finally, of course, there are the brand of pirates that we know today (with the tag "Somali" so frequently accompanying the word). These are pirates only in the sense that they work from ships. If we're honest in our language, they are thugs and terrorists. But I suppose a victim of Blackbeard or Henry Morgan might have said the same thing.
Not so for our man Laffite, however. Ask those romance novelists and they'll tell you; he was a gentleman to the very end...
What an awesome year Paula! Congratulations, and more importantly thank you for being my favorite and the most interesting blogger of all time. Arggggghh!!!
Ahoy, Dwight and thankee! That is particularly gratifying coming from you. Into the breech for another year (goldfish and pouring down rain excepted)!
hi pauline...i've been reading up your blog like it's going outa style. great stuff! i'm a screenwriter here in LA and I'm working on a modern day pirate story...got any tips, ideas; about this new breed of pirate?
Ahoy, Chris! I'm so glad you left me a note. I'm a big fan of Elroy the dachshund (sp?)! Where are you in LA? I've got family and friends all over the area there.
Here's my take: modern piracy seems to be more about politics and desperation than historical piracy. It's more about feeding the family than doing something you know and love. Just a thought.
Keep me posted on your endeavor. Would love to hear how it's going!
Chris; one more thing on modern piracy. Here's a great site for research/ideas:
Mike Burleson is the guy when it comes to modern seafaring. Check it out.
Ahoy, Pauline! And congratulations on yet another milestone. Huzzah for Triple P! And the celbration continues throughout the weekend...
By the way, I thought your piratical fact of the week this week dovetailed nicely with the anniversary post CRwM did for you last week, Pirate Queen.
Nice "Henry V" reference too... good times, good times.
Ahoy, Timmy and thankee. I was not really thinking about it but yeah, I see where you're going with the Fact of the Week. It was weird.
And Huzzah! for goldfish and rain. Spaghetti Bender is never to be forgotten. Unlike Henry V (English dog!)
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