she found herself in. Issues like political opinion

In a 1965 article for "The New Yorker", George Plimpton recalled assisting Mrs. Kennedy in putting together a children's party at Newport, Rhode Island. The party had a full blown pirate theme and he muses over the "glee" with which she paid attention to the details. Mr. Plimpton shows his share of glee as he recounts such spectacular goings on as a treasure hunt complete with digging in the sand for a chest of booty. While the kids searched, a boat full of buccaneers (the First Lady's friends in pirate gear and sailing in a borrowed Coast Guard pinnace) showed up to claim the treasure. A happy melee followed and the pirates were beaten off by the youngsters. The First Lady even managed to talk one of the First Family's Secret Service escorts into "walking the plank" into the Bay, to the delight of all assembled.
What I take away from this little story is a bit of humor and a lot of inspiration. Even in the face of an often thankless and certainly grueling job like that of partner to the Leader of the Free World, Mrs. Kennedy found time to be a pirate and bring her friends along for the ride. Sure, we can't all borrow a pinnace from the Coast Guard, but we can growl a heartfelt "Arr!" now and then... Even if it does embarrass the little buccaneers.
Nice! I think even Cap'n Slappy and Ol' Chumbucket will appreciate that one... Plus, I know that no one enjoys embarrassing the little buccaneers more than you do, Pauline.
Ahoy, Timmy! Me thanks! Sure would love to get the nod from the Pirate Guys. And the little buccaneers need embarrassin' now and again.
You know, the great part about this piece is that it points out something that, today, I think alot of voters & the public in general are overlooking. Not only can the First Lady be a pirate, but so can the President himself. Just look at our Pirate in Chief? Why, he's taking booty right and left & leaving NOTHING BUT BURNED OUT BUSINESSES BEHIND!!!! Gotta' love it! I just knew our annointed one had some familiarity about him! Little known fact, George Plimpton played QB for the Detroit Lions for one pre-season NFL game back in the 60s so that he could write an article, first person, about being a QB.
I plugged pirates, the "Commander" in Chief, the First Lady, George Plimpton AND the Dee-troit Lions all in one fell swoop. Thats talent, baby!! (Al Davis? Beuheler? Anyone? Al Davis?)
Plimpton also played goalie in a pre-season NHL exhibition game for the Bruins against the Flyers and stopped a penalty shot by Reggie Leach...
Wah, huhhh??!!! HE stopped Reggie? wow,the guy was something. Goalie is NOT easy. I've tried, and I sucked.
The whole penalty shot story is hilarious, WasABuc (you should read the book)... First of all one of the Bruins d-men deliberately threw his stick at the puck so Plimpton would have to face a PS, then of course the Flyers had Reggie take the shot since he was coming off his 80 goal season... Leach put the puck between Plimptons legs which were wide open, it ticked off the heel of his skate blade and just trickled wide... Once again proving that it's always better to be lucky than good.
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