Of course bicyclists were not the only subject of the cross dressing craze and the occasional lady sailor will pop up while I’m off searching for pictures to decorate Triple P. Women cross dressing in order to go to sea has a long history, so this really should come as no surprise. In fact, those old tales may have been at least some of the inspiration for the craze. So today, short and sweet, a gentleman and “his” lady out on a fishing trip find they’ve caught each other instead of any potential meal. Happy Friday, Brethren. See you tomorrow for Sailor Mouth Saturday.

Ahoy, Pauline! Awww, how sweet...
Ahoy, Timmy! I thought it was kind of amusing actually because I'm sure there was a certain "shock value" kind of like '70s drag shows. Glad we're past (most of) that.
Ladies and sailor most of the times have the love story. Such that they spend time together. Therefore this would be become another love story.
Ahoy, Stretch! I would have to agree.
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