Friday, July 27, 2012

Booty: Fighting Back With a Pinup

First off, I'm back.  Things are progressing slowly and quickly all at the same time, but I'm feeling better and ready to tackle Triple P once again.  It's hard to stay away from something you love.  Thank you each and every one for the support and positive energy you have channeled toward me and my family.  It is helping.  A lot.

Second, Triple P has received a complaint from an anonymous party - via Blogger - that I have infringed on someone's copyright.  How the infringement occurred and even what specifically, be it a picture, a paragraph or a thought, was infringed on is unknown to me.  As I have discovered, Blogger's process completely protects the complainant and puts the onus of proving a negative squarely on the shoulders of the blogger - me.  Which is fine given that it is standard procedure.  For me personally, however, it is unnerving only because I have never intended to infringe upon anyone's livelihood or intellectual property. 

For the record, Triple P operates under a Creative Commons U.S. License as noted on the sidebar.  I attribute whenever possible, giving credit for quotes and pictures used in my posts if I know their origin and providing links whenever possible.  I do not receive monetary compensation for this work as per the CC guidelines.  If credit is not appropriately given, I welcome comments to that effect that will allow me to do so.  I understand that the definition of copyright, particularly as it applies to images used on the Internet, is changing.  Any line I may have crossed, if that is indeed what happened, was purely unintentional.

At any rate, I have deleted the post and filed the appropriate form with Blogger.  What will happen next, I have no notion as, again, the source of the complaint remains unknown to me. 

Finally, a Happy Friday gift to you all from Triple P:  SS Pin Up by the inimitable Jay Scott Pike (via American Gallery).  What better way to kick off the weekend?


  1. Welcome back, Pauline! Keep fighting the good fight. You know that the Brethren and I definitely have your back, my Captain.

  2. Thanks, Timmy! It is a blessing to have good sailors in one's corner.

  3. Welcome back! And a pox on the anonymous party.

  4. Aye - we do have yer back! (I think the First Mate has yer front, too...)

    BTW, that "complaint" sounds like a scam - especially as it contains no information about WHAT was allegedly posted in error...though following s.o.p. with Blogger should route that immediately.

  5. Mitch: Thank you sir; it's good to be back.

    Captain: Thank you too. At this point, I understand that Blogger is protecting their interests. It doesn't make the situation any less frustrating, however. We shall see...

    Meanwhile, there's a ship to run, isn't there?

  6. Welcome back, Pauline! Positive energy and prayers for yer health, and try not to lose much sleep over the complaint: you are meticulous (aye, and should be commended!) :-)

  7. Thanks, Wally, on all fronts. Regardless, it's good to be back!

  8. Good to see you've rejoined us poor-devil bloggers, but, jeez, what a "welcome back."

    It is very odd that there's such an air of mystery about this infringement claim. In other cases I know of where there's been a copyright dispute, the offended party has been, if anything, all too eager to name themselves and state specifically what they believe was unfairly used.

    In any case, don't let what Poe would call the "literary animalculae" get you down.

  9. Thank you, Undine; I'm pleased to be back. But if it's not one thing...

    Blogger did provide a link to an umbrella site regarding copyright infringements on the web, but I was unable to locate any specifics on Triple P's case.

    At this point, it's wait and see. And, of course, take your and Mr. Poe's good advice.
