Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday Sea Stories

It is Sunday once again and, here in the U.S., Mother's Day. So happy, happy to all the mothers among the Brethren. Here's a few offerings for your reading and viewing pleasure.

First off, you can once again walk the streets of the town of Epecuen, Argentina. The place has "come up for air" after being underwater since 1985. See amazing photos here.

Over at the Berkshire Eagle, there's word that famed sailor and author Herman Melville's homestead is getting a makeover.

Meanwhile, it looks like the STARZ network is jumping on the series bandwagon with a new one about a subject near and dear to my heart: the Golden Age of Piracy. Watch the trailer for "Black Sails" here. (Thanks to my friend Ken over at "A Woodrunner's Diary" for the head's up on this.)

Do you like Vikings? Of course you do. So you'll love that the British Museum has revamped a building to display the largest Viking ship ever discovered.

Still hungry for more? Might I suggest my dear friends Undine and Blue Lou's new ventures on the web: Strange Company and The Journal of Blue Lou now at Wordpress, respectively. You won't be able to stay away.

Header: A cog or caravel rendered in gold, mother-of-pearl and semiprecious stones as a brooch made in the 16th c via my friend Erick on Twitter.


  1. Happy Mother's Day, Pauline!

    Lots of good links there... I had seen the poster for "Black Sails", but I didn't know it was a series. I thought it was just a movie... Looks like it might be fun.


  2. Sorry, Pauline. That comment was from me.

  3. Thanks for the shout out. :)

    And, man, that brooch is to die for.

  4. I love your new blog! Speaking of which, I need to get over there and read about the ghost...

  5. Happy (belated) Mother's Day, and thanks also for the shout. Been a little slow posting lately: The first "Munson Paper" took a lot of extended work, and in the mean time, well, life.

    Keep yer sails trim, and hope it's starting to warm up there in AK. The days must be getting loooooong...

  6. Thankee indeed, Lou! I had a great day thanks to the first mate and the two monkeys :) And we are starting to see a bit of a warm up here in the Great White North. Although, truth be told, it did snow on me a bit on the way into work this morning. Ah, Alaska.

  7. Hi, Pauline. Nice to be visiting your blog again, it's so unique and informative. You've really got a nice niche here. How are you ranking with search engines and SEO? I'm not an expert, but if you need advice plmk. ;)

    What a gorgeous brooch! There's so much you can do with a great piece like that. Hope you enjoyed Mother's Day. All the best. x

  8. Hey Scott! Thank you all around. We need to catch up as well :) I'll try to set aside some time to email you this weekend. Take care (and wouldn't you love - like me - to be able to afford a peice of jewelry like that? Yum!)

  9. Where are you Pauline?

  10. Ah, Anon, I'm working. Unfortunately Triple P has suffered; languished even. And I apologize.

    I do hope to be back sooner than later, though. Hope does spring eternal.
