Friday, March 15, 2013

Booty: The Gentleman Sailor (and How to Be One)

The above poster, which I found over at the always surprising Mid-Century on tumblr, gives some concise and easy to follow rules for gentlemanly courtesy to ladies (click to enlarge and appreciate the captions - and the somewhat surprisingly short skirts.) Produced by the U.S. Navy during the World War II era, the gestures probably seem quaint to most of us now. They shouldn't. We lose something of our humanity when we cease to treat others with respect (and the ladies with their heads screwed on straight always respond to a bit of chivalry, mates). Happy Friday!


  1. I love it! I also appreciate a bit of chivalry. It's one of the reasons I love heading south on business. Just the mere act of allowing me on and off an elevator first leaves me a bit giddy.

  2. Good rules to follow, Pauline.

    Hopefully chivalry is not dead, yet.

  3. Mary Jean: Yes! That is what I love about the south as well, among other things. Thank you so much for stopping in today :)

    Timmy! As Mary Jean points out, chivalry isn't all together dead, thank goodness.

  4. Absolutely, Pauline! To me, true feminism means both sexes treating each other with courtesy and respect--with a pleasant dash of chivalry thrown in.

  5. Honestly, Undine, you said a mouthful.
