Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Literature: Old Ship Riggers

Yes, we did a heap o' riggin'
In those rampin' boomin' days,
When the wooden ships were buildin'
On their quaint old greasy ways;
Crafts of ever sort an' fashion,
 Bin an' little, lithe an' tall,
Had their birthplace by the harbor,
An' we rigged 'em one and all.

Our riggin' was for sailors,
Tough an' hardy Bluenose dogs,
With their hands as hard as leather,
An' their boots thick heavy clogs,
They were nothin' much like angels,
But they'd learned their business right,
An' they trusted to our riggin'
When the sea was roarin' white.

~ "Old Ship Riggers" by H.A. Cody

Header: Harbor Scene by Franklin D. Briscoe via American Gallery