Friday, January 11, 2013

Booty: Laffite, Jackson and Flints

I've said before that you really can't beat the movie The Buccaneer for Battle of New Orleans action. Sure, it takes a lot of liberties with the true stories of the battle, Andrew Jackson and in particular Jean Laffite (who is curiously without a brother - aside from Dominique Youx, I guess - throughout). But you could do a lot worse in the way of entertainments. Unfortunately, the film has yet to be released to DVD which is frankly criminal.

Fortunately, more scenes from the film were recently uploaded to YouTube. Here's one that's particularly timely given yesterday's discussion: the pirate "Jean La-Fete" (Yul Brynner) makes a proposition to the general Andrew Jackson (Charleton Heston).


  1. Nice Youtube clip from the 1958 Buccaneer. Yul is wearing the leather vest that I owned before selling it to the Pirates! Legends of the Gulf Coast attraction at Galveston.

  2. I noticed that! I still have the picture you sent me of your display case with the vest and the picture of Yul saved on my computer. What a great acquisition for the Legends of the Gulf Coast.

  3. This is one of my favorite movies! I'm always hoping it'll be on tv so I can record it and now you tell me it's not on dvd either, how awful. :(

  4. I know how you feel, Mary Elizabeth; it really is a shame. Keep an eye on TCM though; they run this movie more than any other channel I can think of.

  5. The expressions on Chuck's face are always my favorite thing about these clips, Pauline.

  6. Exactly, Timmy!; well, aside from that hair...

  7. Somewhere around my files I have a color photo of a contemporary portrait of Jackson done around the time of the Battle of New Orleans. He had red hair still at the time.

  8. He did too. There's something unique about those redheads...
