Friday, October 12, 2012

Booty: Shanty Friday

I finished with my seven week round of radiation yesterday and my brain is basically mush. I've got a fairly grueling post to put up at HQ today as I've committed to a true, three-part tale of innocence and witchcraft (read the first installment here if you are so inclined) and so I won't subject the Brethren to any long ramblings here.

But how about a shanty? Inspired by Blue Lou's recent post on the sea song "Leave Her Johnny," I give you a beautiful rendition by Johnny Collins. I hope it keeps you singing all day. Happy Friday!

Header: A brig and pelicans via the gentlemen rovers at Under the Black Flag (see sidebar)


  1. Very nice, Pauline.

    Beautiful paintings too.

    Looking forward to a nice celebratroy dinner tonight...

  2. I love that song!

    Yes! Wittles, grog and then I turn into a pumpkin. I hope that side effect wears off fast...

  3. No worries. Hope you (all) are enjoying the Songs of Logan thread.

    Hold fast, mate. Hey, I've been doing my posts on Oxycodone (wheee!). The diverticulitis continues to "smolder" in the words of the urgent care PA, and I'm on the third kind of antibiotics and a strict Jello and Gatorade regimen.

    Good vibes your way...

  4. And to you too, my dear friend. That kind of thing is so frustrating. No wonder they call what doctors do "practice".

    I saw you've a new Songs of the Sea post up this PM. I'll be sure to dive into that one tonight.

    Take care and rest up. There will be plenty of time for troubles on deck later.
