Friday, October 19, 2012

Booty: Is That A Gun In Your Pocket...

I've mentioned The Pirate Museum in St. Augustine, Florida on more than one occasion. Founded by the intrepid Pat Croce, the place is literally full to bursting with authentic artifacts that speak to the pirate history of the New World. It's a wonderful place, and I highly recommend it to any of the Brethren who have a chance to drop by online and especially in person (tell 'em Pauline sent ya).

If you're longing of a bit of history to bring home with you, the Museum is more than obliging. They have a gift store on site, of course, but their online store makes it easy for anyone anywhere to own a little replica of various eras of pirate history. They also have weekly specials that allow for even more latitude in spending.

A great example is the replica flintlock pistol pictured above, which caught my eye on Facebook and just happens to be the Museum's deal of the week.

The original was constructed in 1770 by London gunsmith Bunney. The piece is small, allowing it to be concealed easily. This would have been of value when going ashore to negotiate with local smugglers or when boarding what may or may not be a friendly ship.

The pistol reminds me of nothing so much as the Gentleman Laffite in New Orleans. How very gauche it would be to tote firearms to the Opera or a Black & White Ball. But a man in the racketeer's line of work can't be too careful; a colchemarde and an easily concealed pistol would put one's mind at ease on an evening out. Or when sneaking into the city under cover of night for a visit to one's mistress...

Happy Friday, Brethren! Fair winds and following seas until again we meet (hopefully tomorrow for Sailor Mouth Saturday).

Header: Replica flintlock pistol vie The St. Augustine Pirate Museum


  1. Good stuff. Essentially the predecessor to the Deringer made famous later in the 19th century as the weapon of choice for the riverboat gambler...and for being the gun Boothe used to shoot Lincoln. The purpose would now be fulfilled with little semi-autos like the Walther PPK used by James Bond.

    OK, I have a thing for concealed weapons.

    Logan always has a Scottish sgian dubh (knife) in his right boot for close quarters. This little pistol could be stashed in the other boot...

  2. Excellent addition to this post, Lou; thank you.

    Anyone working in a "questionable" trade should have the good sense to carry concealed. I do just to go for a walk in the park during bear season. You never can be too careful...

  3. That is a nice little pistol, Pauline.

    Personally, I believe that if everyone (other than convicted criminals) carried a weapon or weapons(preferrably a firearm) at all times (concealed or not) there would be a lot less problems in our society, but I know that is not a very popular opinion... I'm just saying.

  4. Here's my thing on carrying concealed. When I was in middle and high school we lived across the street from an Anaheim PD patrol officer. He used to tell us kids (he had eight children BTW) "Concealed weapons kill people. You think twice when you know the guy's got a weapon and he thinks twice because you know." Now, obviously he was talking about people in their right mind, but it is a point I've never forgotten. To my mind, gun control doesn't work; firearm education does.

    So, when's the next family outing to the firing range?

  5. Can I come, too? I'll bring the blackpowder if you've got the flints. Just kidding.

    Can't disagree with anything said here. I was a left-wing Berkeley undergrad when I learned how to respect and use firearms--"liberals with guns," we joked. Maybe a poor comparison, but if you never learn how to use matches, the first time you actually need to make a fire you'll just get burned. Knowledge, as always, is power.

    It was similar when I was in Alaska. I think you can back me up on this, Pauline, but some places you just need to have the power of a gun available; you aren't looking to shoot a Kodiak bear, you don't actually want to shoot the bear if it's a faceoff, but you do need to even the playing field, even just to scare the bear off.

    'Course, I may also be off-topic now, as a marine-grade .30-06 isn't exactly concealable :-) Now, when it comes to the zombie apocalypse on the other hand.

  6. It's true, Lou. Although certain factions would say that those of us who believe in carrying guns "just want to shoot things", I find that for the most part that is not the case. We'd rather not discharge the firearm at all. Well, except at the range now and then.

    All that said, there's a reason why the old saying goes "5 for the bear and 1 for you."
