Friday, September 14, 2012

Booty: Most Terrifying Man Ever Elected President

There's no question that the title of this post pretty much sums up the United States' 7th President, Andrew Jackson (or "Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson" if you prefer). Sure, slaves, Trail of Tears, possible bigamy, just keep the arguments against him coming. You will hardly get a peep out of me on any of those. One thing you cannot take away from Andrew Jackson: balls. I guess that's two, really. He had big brass ones and he'll always be Triple P's favorite President.

Anyway, here's a great little piece from the good folks at on President Jackson.  Enjoy, and happy Friday. In case you're wondering, that is exactly what Rachel Jackson looked like, guys!

Header: Andrew Jackson by Clark Mills c 1853 via Wikimedia


  1. While some would say that our current President is the most terrifying for different reasons (yes, I went there) I will say that that video is hilarious, Pauline!

    And I will also say that we sure could use AJ in the White House today (although there is no way he could ever get elected in our current PC society, unfortunately)...

    And yes, I'm sure that is what Rachel looked like... wait, you mean it isn't?

  2. An argument could be made that grim times may actually call for semi-psychotic action.

    And Rachel habitually smoked a pipe. Other than that omission, spot on depiction!

  3. Oh, that's a great video. My favorite president is Grant, but I've always gotten a totally non-PC kick out of Jackson.

    And, Timmy, I agree completely. (Particularly with your first sentence...)

  4. See, Grant gets a bad rap too so I think we're on the same page here, Undine.

    These guys have all the things we currently need, but we brush them aside because we are imposing modern values on historical characters. I'd vote for a person who carefully studied Jackson, Grant and Teddy Roosevelt and was ready to apply what he or she learned.

    That's just the kind of leadership we are going to need. Too bad it is nowhere to be found...

  5. Wow! That was awesome! haha! and, bonus points for mentioning Teddy Roosevelt! Bully, I say - bully!

    (Cool depiction of the turnover from Jackson to Van Buren, too, as Andy drops the keys :-) Nice sideburns, Marty...)

  6. Longing for dead presidents is probably not a good thing, but I do it anyway.

    That whole video was just hilarious. I like that Jackson was wrestling a gator at one point. Great stuff.
