Friday, September 21, 2012

Booty: In the Footsteps of Rogues

This post is meta all around, but it also gives you a nice hint at an historical diversion should you find yourself in New Orleans this month or next.

New Orleans dot com is currently offering their Pirates, Passions and Patriots Walking Tour. The tour began on International Talk Like A Pirate Day and runs for a full month through October 21st. As described on the website, the tour allows you to "roam the streets of the French Quarter at night with a lively, local tour guide who will spin the tale of how Lafitte [sic] and his marauding band of misfits came to the city's rescue in the Battle of New Orleans."

Really, what better way to spend an evening in the Big Easy? Don't forget, Brethren, you can stop in at Pat O'Brien's and get a hurricane in a go cup so you're walkin' and drinkin' all at the same time. As they say on the NFL network, it's serious fun!

I'm sorry but I would love to be that lively, local tour guide. Although I probably wouldn't exactly follow the script. Being a descendant of a key member of that marauding band of misfits, I don't tend to cotton to the usual legendary stuff. The historical truth is so much more interesting.

So be sure to take the tour if you're in the Crescent City before 10/21. Tell 'em Pauline (or Captain Swallow to whom I am indebted for the info on the walking tour) sent ya.

And so ends Triple P's one thousandth post. This is a milestone I never imagined reaching when I started this blog in 2009. Now, all I can imagine is going forward. Happy Friday, Brethren!

Header: Yul Brynner (a relative of our very own Timmy!) rehearsing for his role as Jean Laffite in the movie "The Buccaneer" via LIFE photo archives


  1. Thanks for the mention! ye'd be a great tour guide - interesting AND informed (few are rarely both...or either in many cases).

    A couple o' oour mates were photographed for the promo flyers o' this tour - though oddly, none o' them are actually guides (which is a shame as they ARE Pyrates). We also have some mates who ARE guides (at least one is a Pyrate), but alas, for another tour company. As ye know, the QM & I are both Pyrates and guides...though not 'licensed' in New Orleans (which hardly prevents us sharing history with anyone interested).
    Ah well...c'est la vie...

    The first mate is related to YUL BRYNNER?!? Serious cool points for that (on top o' Mark Twain)..."So let it be written, so let it be done!"

  2. Thankee, Captain. I'd enjoy any tour led by you and/or the QM. Next time I'm in Ontario...

    And yeah, according to the First Mate's dad, who was the genealogist in that family, they are related and originally spelled their last names the same way (Yul changed it early in his performing career). I agree; pretty darn cool.

  3. Happy Friday, Pauline! And Huzzah for the 1,000th post at Triple P!

    As John Cleese said in Time Bandits: "My... that is a long time."

    You would not only be a great guide, you would be able to spell Laffite correctly... ;-)

    And to Captain Swallow: Don't forget that Yul Brynner also played Jean Laffite in "The Buccaneer"...

  4. It is a long time when you think about it. But not as long as the legends of Laffite will be around.

    He did play Laffite, but who doesn't love his awesome lines from "The Ten Commandments" too? Classic.

  5. Hi Pauline, actually I have always thought the fellow with the best lines in the 1958 Buccaneer was Charles Boyer as Dominique Youx :)

  6. Pam: I can't disagree with you there. Although my favorite Boyer role of all time was as the abusive husband in "Gaslight". Maybe it has to do with Ingrid Bergman's character's name... Or something.

  7. And don't forget Charles Boyer as Napoleon in "Conquest" with Greta Garbo...
