Friday, June 8, 2012

Booty: Versatile Blogger Award

Sometimes the kindness of strangers is the most surprising thing of all and that's what hit me upside the head last Friday.  Out of the blue, Triple P was awarded another honor this time from Austin blogger Laura Roberts.  Over at Rebels of the 512 she keeps us up to date on the older-than-time feud between pirates and ninjas (I think you know who will win in the end) as well as a bit of local politics.  She decided Triple P was worth a mention at her lovely site, and I cannot thank her enough.

In keeping with the theme of The Versatile Blogger award, which aims to expose as many people as possible to the really good stuff being written for you, for free, on the Interwebs, I extend the award to the following 15 must visit blogs/sites.  My theme is history meets art, two of my favorite things.  First history, then a wonderful crossover section followed by art.  Enjoy!

A Woodrunner's Diary  Where Keith gives us the low down on our ancestors and just how resourceful they were!
Age of Sail  As the title indicates, all things from the Great Age of Sail
Almost Chosen People  "A blog about American history, and the development of a great nation"
Bone in Its Teeth  Sailing, the Chesapeake and the joy of the salt air on your face
Naval History Blog  Great stories from the vast history of the U.S. Navy
New Orleans Ladder  Love New Orleans, the Saints, good food and/or good music?  Well then, ya heard
Res Obscura   Beautifully illustrated and minutely researched; a history geeks dream
The Scrivener  Angela offers thoughtful reviews of historical fiction and history books
Titillating Tidbits About Marie Antoinette  Leah Marie is not only a talented writer and historian but also an impressive artist (I have two of her beautiful holiday ornaments) and her blog constitutes the beginning of our "crossover" section
Black and WTF  I have featured photos and stories from this site before.  There is not much more intriguing than the odd and wonderful photographs our ancestors left behind

F**k Yeah History Crushes  You can learn a lot from other people's attraction to dead people
American Gallery  The first in my art links choices, American Gallery features American painters from modern to very early American
Been There, Drawn That  Cristina is one of the most talented artists and genuine people I have ever had the privilege to know.  Don't miss her excellent work
Mid-Century  One of my favorite sources for '40s and '50s nostalgia; a must view
Old Paint  Glorious artwork from all places, eras and genres

So there you have it, fifteen recommendations for some of the best stuff on the web.  Please stop by at least one or two, and tell them Pauline sent you.

My thanks again to Laura.  Kindness should always be repaid in kind.


  1. Thank you Pauline, much appreciated.
    Regards, Keith.

  2. Absolutely; I'll look forward to any links you care to share.

  3. Wow, lots of good links there, Pauline! I am going to have to bookmark a lot of those sites. Thanks for sharing.

  4. They are all interesting, and I hope you're not the only one who goes back to visit them often :)
