Monday, April 2, 2012

History: In the Caribbean Sea

Mustered and inspected the crew. At 9 A.M., sent a boat on board of a Spanish schooner twenty days from Boston, bound to the port of San Domingo. Received some newspapers by her as late as to the 13th inst.

Soon afterwards another sail was discovered to leeward, beating up the coast. Ran down for her, and when within proper distance hoisted United States colors. The stranger responded with the same; whereupon, in accordance with our usual practice, we hoisted our own colors and fired a blank cartridge.

This hove her to, when we sent a boat on board of her. She proved to be the barque Parker Cook, of and from Boston. This was a very timely capture as we were running very short of provisions, and the prize was provision-laden. Got on board from her a quantity of pork, cheese, crackers &c.

~ Captain Raphael Semmes aboard the Confederate raider Alabama, November, 1863

Header: Alabama pursuing clipper ship Contest, Nov, 1863 by Tom Freeman via Delaware River Gallery


  1. Ahoy, Pauline! Everybody likes "pork, cheese, crackers, etc."

  2. Especially if someone else pays for it. I wonder if there was any beer...

  3. Beer? Of course! (Beat drinkin' water in those days :-)

  4. Right you are, Wally. Hooray beer!
