Friday, March 23, 2012

Booty: Chantey Time

Are you currently or will you be in the Seattle, Washington, USA area next month?  Are you a seafaring lad or lass with a passable singing voice?  Would you like to learn to chantey like a master?  Then you need to be at the Willapa Seaport Museum in Raymond, WA on Saturday, April 21st for Sea Chantey Camp.  The Camp will be run by Gray's Harbor Historic Seaport Authority Executive Director Captain Lee Bolton and shantyman Hank Cramer and looks to be full of not only song and sea but history as well.

Details are available here at The Historic Seaport Blog.  This is a daylong event promises fun for the whole family.  How I wish I could be there.  If any of the Brethren do attend, please stop by and let us all know how much you enjoyed it (I'm looking at you, Lou Logan).

Happy Friday, Brethren!  Keep singing; it makes the work a little easier.

Header: Fan photo of the Hawaiian Chieftain in San Francisco Bay via The Historic Seaport Blog


  1. Ahoy, Pauline! And thankee for the heads up. I doubt that I'll be able to make it to Seattle next month, but I'll most probably be chanteying while I shovel the snow tomorrow here in Anchorage...

  2. Sure would be better to be singin' than shovelin' What's a sailor to do?
