Monday, February 20, 2012

People: You Wouldn't Like Him When He's Angry...

It's “Presidents’ Day” here in the good ol’ U.S. of A. and Triple P would like to take this opportunity to celebrate our favorite Leader of the Free World: Andrew Jackson. I’m not particularly fond of his chattel owning or Native American slaughtering, but I will always admire the man who had the good sense to see past the “hellish banditti” label and call up some of my ancestors to defend New Orleans and the young U.S. Plus you have to admire a leader who gets stuff done without adding to ignoble pursuits like the national debt. Andrew Jackson was, after all, our last “debt free” president.

So, on that note and just for fun, allow me to redirect you to Daniel O’Brien’s Friday offering over at the always hilarious – and frequently informative – Here is “How to Fight Andrew Jackson: The Deadliest President Ever”. Spoiler alert: you will get your butt kicked.

Header: Equestrian Statue of Andrew Jackson, New Orleans, Louisiana


  1. Ol' Hickory! haha! He was a strong leader, that is for sure.

  2. OK, as someone with Native blood, every $20 bill bothers me, and of course Jackson has become the standard of ATM's everywhere.

    True, he did give the Baratarians their moment to shine--dare I say a gumbo of piracy, entrepreunership, and patriotism?--but once properly pardoned the Lafitte gang ran off to wild Texas. OK, maybe that was a good thing, because that got them AWAY from Jackson.

    Still, the article is funny. Jackson: vote sociopath for President!

  3. Ahoy, Pauline! To quote Homer Simpson, "...Like getting Washington's Birthday and Lincoln's Birthday back as separate paid holidays. "President's Day," pfft, what a rip-off!..."

    The DOB thing on Andrew Jackson was funny, though...

  4. Wally: He's one of those guys that you can't really argue with. I mean, if you like your teeth...

    Lou: Since I'm a 16th African-American, Jackson will always get under my skin. But being American - and a Baratarian - I can see where he was coming from. That is the beauty of this country, to my mind. All of our backgrounds lead to success, one way or another. Thank the good gods.

    Timmy!: Hey, an extra day to sleep in is always a good thing!
