Friday, November 25, 2011

Booty: Pretty Pirate... Zombies?

Well, there’s no denying that Marilyn is pretty any way you slice it. Hope all of Triple P’s U.S. Brethren had a delightful Thanksgiving and that every one of the crew enjoys their Friday!

Header: Painting by writer and artist Arthur Suydam


  1. Very nice, Pauline, and thank you! Had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday; wishing the same for you and your family :-)

  2. A little post-Thanksgiving eye candy never hurts (especially since there's no room for real candy :) Glad to hear your turkey day was awesome and thankee; ours was too.

  3. Ahoy, Pauline! Well, the top half of the picture is nice anyway... Thanks for a nice holiday too, Pirate Queen.
