Sunday, June 19, 2011

Seafaring Sunday: Alabama vs. Kearsarge

June 19, 1864: The Confederate privateer Alabama was sunk off Cherbourg, France during an engagement with USS Kearsarge.  The English yacht Deerhound rescued several of Alabama's crew including her captain, Raphael Semmes.

Header: Capt Raphael Semmes and his Lieutenant aboard Alabama via Naval History Center


  1. Ahoy, Pauline! Interesting. I wonder why they were so far from U.S. waters? Cool picture, too.

  2. Ahoy, Timmy! They were hunting Union merchants, of course. Trade continued with Europe throughout the Civil War and Confederate raiders in particular took advantage of it. This story always reminds me of Uncle Renato getting caught by the British off Brest. Ah, privateers.
