Sunday, January 23, 2011

Seafaring Sunday: Iron Men

It's my Birthday and Triple P is celebrating with pictures of my favorite sailors. First, Renato Beluche in his uniform as Commodore of the Navy of Grand Columbia. Those pants are something, aren't they?
Next, Commodore David Porter looking stunning in his U.S. Navy dress. And:
His son, David Farragut, the first Admiral in the U.S. Navy. Finally, fiction:
How could I leave Jack Aubrey out, for all love? Happy Sunday, Brethren. I'll be off tomorrow but back at it on Tuesday. Huzzah!


  1. Ahoy, Pauline! And Happy Birthday, Pirate Queen!

  2. Ahoy, Timmy and thankee! It's smooth sailing so far...

  3. Ahoy, Ozarklorian and thankee indeed. I'm having a lovely day (in spite of the bitter cold).
