Let me just start by noting that my spellcheck wants me to title this post “Sea Shanties” which tells me it has never studied history. Or actually been to sea. Anyway, with Talk Like A Pirate week drawing to a close here at chez Pauline, I thought I’d offer you a video of my very favorite seafaring singing group: The Corsairs. These rovers hale from the Dallas/Fort Worth area which in and of itself must give one pause. Chanty men from a landlocked area might seem an oxymoron but once you’ve heard them sing, you’ll know them for right true Jacks to a man. We’ve had their dulcet tones ringing through the great cabin for quite some time now.
Sadly, the guys are no longer roving but their website still offers all nine of their CDs and other cool items as well. Drop by and give them a nod if you’re so inclined. You won’t be disappointed. Here then, for your Friday listening pleasure (and I say “listening” in particular because the camera work on this one may make a few of the more lubberly lubbers a touch green), are The Corsairs performing the Mingulay Boat Song:
Ahoy, Pauline! I still say the Corsairs would have been a better choice for the Super Bowl Halftime show in Dallas this season than the Black Eyed Peas... Of course, I would rather see Morrisey perform at the Super Bowl (..."Every Day Is Like Sunday"...) than the Black Eyed Peas, so I guess that's not really saying much, is it, Pirate Queen?
ReplyDeleteAhoy, Timmy! I'm just bummed that The Corsairs aren't out there singin' the chanties any more...